FAQs: Accounts Receivable

What you'll find:

General AR

How can I see a customer’s outstanding amounts?

How does 'use current price' work? Is there a 'use current prepaid price' too?

I have products that sometimes are taxable (if the customer buys enough) and sometimes aren't. How do I set that up?

What's the best way to report on sales for BASF? They don't seem to be part of AgCollect.

Why would I need multiple Accounts Receivable general ledger accounts?

Work Orders

What is the service date range for?

Can I use an expired work order?

Loadout Tickets

Is there a way to have delivery directions print on the LOT?


Why can't I edit some of my invoices?

How can I handle 'split billing'?

How can I get agrē to calculate GST per invoice instead of being the total of the product row GST amounts?

What is the FMC Precision Pac and Perimeter II Instant Discount Process?

Interest Settings

Why are my customers being charged interest when their invoices aren't even due yet?

How can I change the interest rate for a certain customer or on a particular invoice?

How can I change the interest rate on all of a customer's invoices at once?

How can I charge zero interest (0%) for a certain customer or on a particular invoice?

I set up the same  default interest settings for all my locations, but now I want one of my locations to use different settings. How do I set this up?

Can I set up my interest settings for different time periods?

Can I change the interest settings for an invoice that can no longer be edited, or for an interest item?


What's the best way to turn a BOAWO (blend on a work order) into straight products?

How do I convert prepayment funds into regular funds, or regular into prepay?

How do I return prepayment funds to a customer at the end of the season?

How can I specify the default prepaid price is blank/null/none?


How can I record a customer payment to FCC?


Why are the values on the Sales Reports not the same as on the Income Statement?

On the Customer Sales report why does Quantity * Unit Price not equal Sales when I itemize blends?


Accounts Receivable FAQs

General AR

How can I see a customer’s outstanding amounts?

Because customers often pay after they have picked up products, and because customer credits can be unapplied and/or moved around, invoices and payments are two separate things. To see what a customer has that is still outstanding at any given time, you can do any one of the following:  

Open the customer’s account and in the Advanced group, click Manage Outstanding Items. You'll see outstanding amounts in the list.

Click Accept Payment. You'll see outstanding amounts in the table.  

Run the AR > Reports > Customer Account Activity report. The outstanding balance and original  balance of everything the customer has purchased is shown.


How does 'use current price' work? Is there a 'use current prepaid price' too?

When you flag a work order to 'use current price' you are telling agrē: "I'm not sure what the price is going to be when I bill the customer sometime in the future for this product, but whatever the current price is on the day that I create the invoice, that's the price they should get."

When the invoice is created and linked to the work order (or you import a loadout ticket that's already been linked), agrē will default to that day's current price for the product - even if the price was different when the loadout ticket was created. If the product has a designated prepaid price, and you flag the product on both the work order and the invoice as prepaid, agrē will use the current prepaid price instead.


What's the best way to report on sales for BASF? They don't seem to be part of AgCollect.

BASF is a part of the Kenna reporting group whose sales results are included in the Manufacture Sales (Kenna) data export.


Why would I need multiple Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable general ledger accounts?

On their balance sheet, some retailers like see the balances of different "types" of customers and suppliers separately. For example, you might have "Fertilizer" customers and "Fuel" customers and you want each to have their own receivables account so their balances can be tracked independently. The same could be true on the AP side; you may want to set up a supplier as part of the "Fertilizer" or "Parts" payables account. There may be different liability value depending on the types of receivables and payables.

You would also need separate receivable and payable accounts for customers and suppliers that you transact with in a different currency.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Multicurrency.


Work Orders

What is the service date range for?

The service date range is intended to be the date(s) the products on the work order are to be picked up or delivered/floated/etc., but you can use it to track any date. You could then use the service dates as a criteria when running the Work Order Activity report.


Can I use an expired work order?

If there is quantity remaining on a particular expired work order that you want to use: first edit the work order, then extend the expiry date and change the status to Active. Also change the status of the applicable product row(s) to Active as well. Save the work order. It is now available for use and the products flagged as active can be linked to or imported.

If using expired work orders is something you'll do on a regular basis, turn ON the company config option Allow import/link to active expired work orders (on the Accounts Receivable > Work Orders tab under Linking/Importing). You'll also want to turn OFF Automatically close expired Orders (same tab, under Expiry Date).


Loadout Tickets

Is there a way to have delivery directions print on the Loadout Ticket?

As long as you select a shipping address that has the directions in the comments, they will print automatically on the LOT.



Why can’t I edit some of my invoices?

Invoices cannot be edited when they have any payments or credits applied to them (prepayments are the exception), or if any credits generated by the invoices have been applied elsewhere.

You may also not have the security rights needed to edit certain invoices.


How can I handle "split billing"?

agrē allows growers in the same customer group to share product on work orders and to split loadout tickets and invoices. The Split Billing whitepaper goes though setting up work orders, picking up product, and splitting the loads.

I want to read the whitepaper (with lots of screenshots) on Split Billing.


How can I get agrē to calculate GST per invoice instead of being the total of the product row GST amounts?

Sometimes there's a difference of a penny or two between the amount of GST calculated based on the sum of the GST per individual product row (the default way agrē calculates it) versus the amount calculated based on the invoice total.  Contact your CSC to change the way agrē calculates GST.


What is the FMC PrecisionPac and Perimeter II Instant Discount Process?

When a grower purchases a PrecisionPac and Perimeter II together on the same invoice, they may qualify for an Instant Discount.

Please refer to the documentation provided by FMC for grower eligibility specifics.

Each product used in the FMC Instant Discount process must be flagged as Manufacturer = FMC so the FMC Sales Data Export will include all applicable transactions.

I want to read the whitepaper (with lots of screenshots) on the FMC PrecisionPac® and Perimeter II Instant Discount Process.

Product Setup

add a new item: FMC Instant Discount

non-inventory item, Returnable, Manufacturer = FMC

Main Units = Acre, price is negative and valued per acre
please refer to the documentation provided by FMC for the current discount
e.g ($2.50)/AC

for Perimeter II

Manufacturer = FMC

additional Unit Type of JUg - FMC needs to see "jugs" on the invoice instead of EAches

add Popup Note reminder that on Returns check the sale invoice to confirm a discount still applies

for each PrecisionPac item

refer to the documentation provided by FMC for the list of PrecisionPacs eligible for the discount

Manufacturer = FMC

add Popup Note asking if FMC Instant Discount applies

add FMC Instant Discount item and Perimeter (Unit = JUg) to Associated Products tab

Sales of PrecisionPac + Perimeter II

add PrecisionPac, you'll be reminded of Instant Discount, Update

you'll be prompted to add FMC Discount and Perimeter II
select and add both associated products

Instant Discount will automatically calculate the per-acre discount (unit on the Invoice must be Acre)

Perimeter II - edit row, edit quantity based on application of the PrecisionPac
(refer to FMC documentation for specifics)

Returns of Perimeter II

add Perimeter II to Returns tab

pop-up note will remind to check if FMC Instant Discount applied at time of sale

check by reviewing Sales History
(refer to FMC documentation for eligibility specifics)

if the return of the Perimeter II makes the original purchase of the PrecisionPac ineligible for the discount it was given on the invoice, also add the FMC Instant Discount item to the Returns tab - this amount will be deducted from any refund owed the grower for the return of the Perimeter II


Manufacturer Sales Export for FMC will include Instant Discount Sales & Returns


Interest Settings

Why are my customers being charged interest when their invoices aren’t even due yet?

You may have changed the due date for your invoices or a specific invoice but did not change the chargeable date (when your customers start being charged interest).

The chargeable date of an invoice is independent of the invoice’s due date. This means that when you change the due date for your invoices or a particular invoice, the chargeable date is not automatically changed to reflect the new due date. Therefore, your customers may be charged interest on invoices that are not yet due. Make sure you always check your chargeable dates if you decide to change your invoice due dates.


How can I change the interest rate for a certain customer or on a particular invoice?

To change the interest rate for a specific customer, on the Add Customer or Edit Customer window, click the Credit/Finance tab and then change the Interest Rate (%). (you can change the default due and chargeable dates by adding the customer to a Term Group)

To change the interest settings for a specific invoice, on the Add Invoice or Edit Invoice window, click the Totals tab and then change the information under Interest.


How can I change the interest rate on all of a customer’s invoices at once?

In mid-season you may decide to change a customer’s interest rate, but several invoices have already been created for the customer with the company default interest rate. The quickest way to change the rate on multiple invoices is to edit the customer’s account, then click on the Credit/Finance tab. Change the customer's interest rate and save the account. You'll be asked if you want to change the interest rate on all outstanding items; select Yes to have the new rate applied to all outstanding invoices and charges.

If this is not a permanent rate change (i.e. all new invoices and charges for the customer should be charged the default rate; it's just the existing items that need a new rate) edit the customer's account again and delete the specific interest rate. When you save the account and are asked to apply the new rate to outstanding items, this time select No.


How can I charge zero interest for a certain customer or on a particular invoice?

To charge zero interest, enter 0 in the interest rate box for a particular customer or invoice. For invoices, you can also clear the interest check box. Make sure you enter 0 in the interest rate box and not leave it blank. If you leave this box blank, the customer or invoice is charged the default rate.

To charge zero interest for a specific customer, on the Add Customer or Edit Customer window, click the Credit Info tab and then enter 0 in the Interest Rate (%) box.

To charge zero interest for one specific invoice, on the Add Invoice or Edit Invoice window, click the Totals tab and then change the information under Interest.


I set up the same default interest settings for all locations, but now I want one location to have different settings. How do I set this up?

Follow the exact same steps you did to set up your company default settings but enter the specific location instead of this time. You can repeat these steps for each location that differs from the company defaults.

From the Accounts Receivable > Interest Charges> Manage Interest Settings window, select the specific location in the Location box.

Click Retrieve Interest Settings and enter the interest information.


Can I set up my interest settings for different time periods?

Yes, and you can add as many time periods as you need. Invoices created during those particular time frames are due and start accruing interest on the dates you enter.

From the Accounts Receivable > Interest Charges> Manage Interest Settings window, click Add Row and enter the information.


Can I change the interest settings for an invoice that can no longer be edited, or for an interest item?

Yes. Navigate to the customer account home form (click the Customer Account button). From the Advanced group, click Manage Outstanding Items. Select the invoice or interest item to edit, click Edit Interest Settings and enter the interest information.



What's the best way to turn a BOAWO (Blend on a Work Order) into straight products?

Your grower may have prepaid for a particular blend last fall, but soil tests in spring indicate they need a different mix so you won't be able to link the blend they actually take back to the original blend on the work order. Try this method to convert a BOAWO into straight products and you'll be able to make any blend they want and still link it back to the work order.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Converting BOAWOs into Straight Products.


How do I convert prepayment funds into regular funds, or regular into prepay?

From the Customer Account, expand the Advanced group and click Transfer Prepayment Funds.

If you want to transfer prepayment funds into regular funds for multiple customers at once you can use a Prepayment Adjustment (but you won't be able to turn regular funds into prepayment funds this way).


How do I return prepayment funds to a customer at the end of the season?

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers. Find and select the customer.

Next, transfer the customer’s remaining prepayment funds to their regular account by clicking Transfer Prepayment Funds. The prepayment funds now show up as unapplied credits that can be applied to the customer’s other outstanding chargeable items or be returned.

The steps you take next depend on how the funds will be returned.

Option 1: Non-Cheque

To return the funds using an AR payment type except cheque (e.g., debit, Visa, MasterCard), click Return Funds.

Option 2: Cheque

If you need to produce an actual paper cheque for your customer, you'll need to use a payment type that you can refer to from AP and that will be clear and understandable on the customer's statement.

One alternative is to set up an AR payment type called Refund Cheques (or something similar) and associate it with a clearing account in the GL.
Make sure this payment type is defined as Refundable.

Another alternative is to use a preexisting non-cheque payment type such as Cash.
The net result to the account will be $0, so the most important considerations are clarity on the customer statement and a clear audit trail in your GL.

Return Funds to the customer, making note of the payment type you use and the GL it's associated with.
This will show on the customer statement as 'Returned Funds', with the payment type listed beside it.

Before you can print a cheque, you'll first need to add a purchase invoice (since in agrē you can only pay for things that you have received a bill for).

If the customer is already set up as a supplier, use their supplier account.

If this will be a "one-time" payment and the customer doesn't need their own supplier account, follow the Generic Supplier process to get the correct name on the cheque.

Add a non-inventory purchase to the purchase invoice using the same GL that the funds were 'returned' to above (i.e. the GL account associated with the payment type you used for the return of funds).

You now have a purchase invoice from a supplier (who is really a customer) saying you owe the supplier for a certain dollar amount of 'money that you bought from them'.
Since the funds were 'returned' to the customer from the same GL account that you are using for the PI, it will draw from the same GL and be a wash.

Print the cheque for this supplier (who's really a customer).
If you used the generic supplier, remember to change the name back so the account is ready for the next one-time supplier.


How can I specify the default prepaid price is blank/null/none?

You sell Drop Dead Dandelion (DDD) for a retail price of $100.When growers buy 'off the shelf' they should get the default retail price of $100. However when they are prepaying, your sales staff decide what to charge each grower so there should be no default prepaid price.

There's a few things to setup to make this happen.

Company Config Options

On the Inventory tab, specify a Default Price (if none specified). Make this price higher than any of your actual unit prices. For this example, use $9797.97. agrē will use this as the default price for any product that does not have set pricing, but DDD does have a set price of $100 so this price won't be used for DDD.

Also check the box next to If no price is set leave price blank. This tells agrē that if there is no set price, leave it blank so the user is required to enter one on the fly.

Price Levels

Define which price level is your Prepaid Price Level (create a new price level if you need to). agrē needs to know that you want different pricing anytime the Prepay? box is checked on a work order or invoice.

Pricing and Taxes

Set the Prepaid Price to the Default Price you set in the company config options (so that it will be left blank). The easiest place to setup pricing, especially for multiple products,  is from Manage Product Retail Prices. Set the Prepaid Price of DDD (that's the price next to the level you said was the prepaid one in the step above) to the Default Price of $9797.97.

When you add DDD to a work order or invoice the default price will be $100. As soon as you check the Prepay? box, the default price will be blank and the user will be required to type one in.



How can I record a customer payment to FCC?

The FCC Payments white paper illustrates a couple of ways to record payments to FCC on behalf of your customers that leave a clear audit trail to follow in case anything goes awry at a later date.

I want to read the white paper on recording customer FCC Payments (with lots of screenshots).

The end result is that the customer’s balance with you does not change, and their sales history is not artificially inflated by the value of the FCC payment. The money gets deposited into the bank, then subsequently withdrawn by FCC, so the bank balance also remains the same. You optionally create a PI for FCC, then pay them back right away so their supplier balance is unchanged as well, so you can track all payments on the supplier account.



Why are the values on the Sales Reports not the same as on the Income Statement?

The two reports may show different values because the posting information may be different. Customer Sales reports include only purchases and returns; the Income Statement reports all revenues, not just from AR invoices but also from adjustments and journal entries.

Entries posted to a sales account could include:

manual journal entries

interest charges

AR adjustments

purchase invoices (non-inventory purchases require a GL account)

Another thing you can check is that all products are setup correctly with the proper GL Accounts or sales postings may not be ending up where you think they should. The Product List data export is available to help you with ensuring products are set up with the correct sales GL accounts (File > Exports > Data – Inventory/Products – Product List).

To further determine the source of the differences you can run the Income Statement, then click the hyperlinks which will take you to the Account Transaction Journal report. From here you can determine what postings occurred outside of an AR Invoice. Run it first using a Source of Accounts Payable, then a Source of General Ledger.

You can also go to GL > Reports > GL Transaction Journal. When choosing the criteria for generating this report you may want to go through each 'Source' separately to track postings that are contributing to the difference (the ones that are not AR invoice entries). Please keep in mind this can be a lengthy report as it includes every posting to the GL Account you select.